Gemstone Testing and Sorting

Testing of gemstones

Requirements: Gemmological instruments must be available onsite

Evaluation of the gems to be tested for treatment and origin based on microscopic features. No formal report will be issued, but a list with the results is provided. This allows the client to decide which gem is worth to send to an advanced gemmological laboratory for further testing.

Gemstone sorting

Requirements: Gemmological instruments must be available onsite

Sorting through lots of gemstones of the same type to separate according to the desired criteria: heated versus non-heated, clarity enhancement status, possible origin.

Sorting of lots of different gems for pawn shops, auction houses, and jewelers.

Sorting lots of gems to separate different sizes and cuts.

These services are offered onsite (see requirements above), as well as in-house (receipt of gems by shipment, all costs as well as insurance to be covered by the client).


Please contact me directly for a quote.